You booked your movers, stayed up late to pack the last few boxes, and even remembered to call the cable company to shut off your internet. Should be all set for the big moving day, right?
Well, not quite. There are actually a few things to do on a moving day before the movers arrive. These things will not only make everything easier for them, but will protect your home and your moving day from unfortunate snags. These probably aren’t things you’ve thought of yet — but hey, that’s why you’re reading this, right?
Get the kids and pets out of the house
Yes, the movers will probably think your dog is super cute, but your four-legged friend might cause more stress than you think by being underfoot. The same story goes for the kids. The movers will, of course, try to be polite. However, having Fluffy and/or your little ones around could slow things down significantly. The doors to the house will also need to be open so the movers can get in and out swiftly. You certainly don’t want to add an unexpected search party to your moving day if Fluffy decides to take himself for a walk. Do yourself (and your movers) a favor and ship everyone off to a neighbor, family member, or even daycare. If you can’t find a playdate for your pet, close them in an empty room with everything they will need.
Clear the moving route
Now that the kids are gone, it’s time to make sure they haven’t left any ill-placed toys or other obstacles that could trip up your movers. Park your personal vehicles on the street if the truck will be using your driveway. If it’s winter, make sure your drive and walkways are clear, sanded, and easy to navigate. Check for any low-hanging tree limbs that might snag a large truck. Then stand at the end of your driveway and take a good look: do the movers have clear access?
Protect your house
Light fixtures, accent pieces, wall mirrors, or anything else along the main moving corridor should be removed or protected somehow. Your movers will already be dealing with tight corners in their efforts to prevent any damage to your home. You can help them out a bit by clearing the way. If your main entryway or hallways have wood floors, talk to your moving company about using a protective floor covering. They may be able to bring their own or have suggestions for what you should use to prevent damage from dirty furniture dolly wheels or heavy traffic in and out. This is especially important if you are moving in the rain!
Get permissions and permits if needed
City folks, you need to get permission for the movers to park on the street or occupy multiple parking spaces for an extended period of time. This is not a violation you want to risk adding to your moving bill! This process varies from city to city. Put it on your list of things to do before moving day arrives.
If you live on an upper floor and have access to a freight elevator, talk to your landlord or building super about reserving it for use. This will be especially important (and helpful) if you are moving a lot of large furniture. It will be critical if you are hiring specialty movers to ship something fragile like a piano. You don’t want them waiting around to use an elevator.
Plan your home improvements accordingly
Many people put a lot of time, energy, and sometimes money into painting, replacing fixtures, or other home improvement projects when they move into a new home. In the hubbub of moving out, it can be easy to forget that these things are way easier to do before you have entirely unpacked your belongings. So if possible, make a trip to your new home to get started on some of these projects before the movers are hauling in the boxes. Replacing flooring or painting in the bedrooms, for example, will mean you can easily settle into a fresh new room. We do suggest waiting to refinish or replace the floor in your entryway until after the move. It’s best to see if anything gets scuffed or dinged on moving day.
Get yourself in moving day shape with these simple exercises to protect yourself from injury!