Getting yourself through college can be a practice in endurance on its own. Adding a job on top of your studies can feel nearly impossible, or like a sentence to hours of boredom while sitting at an office somewhere. To the contrary, college job opportunities can be flexible, convenient, and even help get you the career you want once you graduate. Here are a few ways your college job can far exceed your expectations.
Take advantage of a student program with a major company
Apple, for example, offers internships for undergraduates and grad students alike that are designed to work in tandem with your studies. If you’re skilled or interested in the IT world, many companies have student internship opportunities that could even count as class credit. If you’re social media savvy or quick with a red pen, companies with ever-growing online personas need social media assistants and content editors for part-time work with quick turnaround deadlines. Make a good impression, and your student internship could turn into a job with that company – there may even be college scholarship opportunities for further commitment! (Moving cross-country for that new shiny job? We’ll help you hire the best movers for long distance.)
Restaurants and coffee shops offer flexibility and decent pay
When you’ve got a midterm paper to finish, the flexibility to switch your shift with a colleague can make all the difference. Many restaurants and coffee shops offer great college job opportunities since they already work based on a shift system. They will probably require you to commit to a certain number of shifts per week, but part-time is par for the course in the service industry. Plus, working at a restaurant can mean your class times and work times don’t conflict; a cafe or coffee shop can offer early-morning hours if that’s more your style.
Jobs at your college or university are convenient and based around student schedules
If you want a job that requires almost zero commuting, a supervisor who is understanding of student life, and even student jobs that let you do some reading for class, apply for a job at your university.
- Student research opportunities can give you experience working in a lab, conducting analysis, or even gathering data under the guidance of a professor or graduate research team. Graduate students can apply for student teaching opportunities or teacher’s assistant positions, too.
- Colleges and universities have no shortage of administrative work. Apply for a work-study position in finances, admission, student life, or even the rec department. If you have secretarial skills, many departments hire students for part-time filing or data entry, and large campuses especially need front desk clerks. Tech savvy? Consider applying to help your fellow students when they suffer a computer meltdown at odd hours. Work-study opportunities can also offer the convenience of putting your paycheck in a student account, helping you stay financially on track!
Preparing to begin your college years? Check out our tips for packing a messy room (because let’s face it, nobody’s perfect). Then, let us help you find moving services to get you settled into your dorm or housing seamlessly!