These days there’s an app for everything — so why not use them to tackle all of the overwhelming tasks associated with moving? We’ve compiled the best apps for moving house that will help streamline and automate your move from the moment you start getting organized to when you need to stock the refrigerator. Ready? Download.
1. Handy
You haven’t unpacked the drill yet, you need to assemble your new furniture… but you don’t know who to call in your new town? Use one of the best apps for moving house: Handy. From cleaners to assembly labor to installing your new Smart Home system, Handy can connect you to qualified help to get your new home set up in no time. Which is pretty critical for those of us who feel like we have no time. Provide some details on what you need, choose when you’d like them to come, and instantly get a price. All the professionals on Handy are insured, and you take care of payment electronically through the app. Let the professionals do the hard stuff while you do you.
2. OfferUp
When the “get rid of” pile has become too much, download OfferUp. Its streamlined platform makes it one of the best apps for moving overseas, allowing you to simply upload photos of what you’d like to let go of, name your price, and see who might be interested. Or? Once you move into your new home, this can be a great place to turn for those odds and ends you need in your new space. OfferUp uses your location to determine what items are close by, and you can search by category or by specific item. From furniture to vacuums to even cars, you can find all sorts of stuff. And? It seems to have way less spam than Craigslist…
3. InstaCart
That first grocery shopping trip always ends up turning into an all-day affair as you figure out where to buy everything you need. Or? Spend way less time and use InstaCart to order everything you need without leaving home. Because let’s face it, you just got there and you’re still settling in. You don’t really want to spend all day scouring the grocery stores. You can even order a day before you arrive so you’ll have food delivered for your first dinner in your new home. That sounds better than delivery pizza, right?
4. KeyMe
New home, new keys! Save yourself the hassle of getting copies of your keys made (building key, apartment key, etc.) by using KeyMe. Upload the details of your many keys and store them in the app, allowing you to order a key copy to be delivered to your home. Or? For that horrifying lock-out, just visit a local kiosk and after verifying your fingerprint, you can print a new key. KeyMe can also do car keys and fobs. The kiosks are primarily focused in larger cities, but the mail service might just come in handy in more rural areas where the hardware store is inconvenient.
Now that you’ve got the best moving apps, get out your moving checklist, estimate move size with a home inventory app, and let the fun begin!