Even though you’ve taken care of the major details like figuring out how to find a good school district and selecting your new house, it can take a while for you to truly feel at home in your new city zip code. Achieving a level of comfort in your brand new surroundings may seem daunting, but there are practical moving tips that you can put into play that can lessen the fear and anxiety you feel and make you even more excited about this new adventure.
Consider Your Interests
Put yourself in environments where it’s easier to be social. Think about the things you’re interested in to help you make this transition. For instance, if you’re an avid baker, consider taking a baking class at the local culinary school. If you love to dance, find out if there’s a salsa club in your area. When you arrive, you’ll be surrounded by people with similar interests. This will make you feel less awkward about starting a conversation.
When you’re moving to a new city, one of the best things you can do is find ways to make your community better. After you’ve gotten all your belongings from the movers and you’ve made your home space a little more comfortable, contact community centers to see how you can volunteer. You may want to help out at the local soup kitchen during the holidays or read to children at the nearby library. This is another great way to meet people while doing something that will better the lives of others around you.
Get Community Support
Find out if there are groups for play dates so that both you and your kids can start making new friends. If you have a particular hobby, check to see if your new city has a meetup group for people who enjoy it as much as you do. If you have a health condition and want to get additional support in your new hometown, do a little research to see if a group is available. These groups can help to relieve the stress of being the new kid in town, and you may be inspired during meetings as well.
Explore the Area
Do a little research before moving so that you’ll know which attractions your city has to offer. When you get there, start exploring. Visit a local museum to learn more about the history of the area. Cheer on your new home team at a professional or amateur game. Find the nearest hiking trails and have an outdoor adventure. As you’re discovering everything that the area has to offer, you’re bound to meet people that you and your family have a lot in common with, and you’ll start to feel more at home.