When the family expands, it might be time to move into a new home. Making room for a baby can mean so many things — moving closer to family or maybe just needing more space. But should you move before or after birth? We’ve started a list of some of the pros and cons of moving before and after the baby arrives so you can make the best choice for your family — and your needs.
The pros of moving before having a baby
You can act quickly
Shopping for a new home means you need to be available to attend open houses, meet with realtors, and visit with banks rapidly — especially if you’re looking for a home in a difficult market. Trying to fit these things around the needs of a newborn can make things difficult, as nap time is a pretty non-negotiable item on your schedule and diapers need changing at a moment’s notice, too.
It’s better for baby’s sleep patterns
Newborns are incredibly sensitive to changes in their environment, so moving into your new home before the birth will allow the little one to get used to one room, one house, one bed, without needing to uproot shortly thereafter. Continuity will help promote easier sleep patterns, saving your sanity and your baby’s rest.
You’ll have more time to relax and bond
Moving takes a lot of time and energy from the whole family, which means less time to spend focused on bonding with your newborn. Though moving while pregnant might not sound so fun, it’ll mean that you can cuddle up with your family and enjoy this new beginning altogether — without having to worry about packing or closing on a new home.
Postnatal recovery can require more time than you think
Some women experience some physical discomfort for weeks, or even months, after giving birth — and if you have a C-Section, lifting heavy boxes will be out of the question for a little while. So getting the move out of the way before giving birth might be a good precaution.
You could save money on the move
Rather than purchasing all of the furniture and equipment for your newborn and then having to move it to your new house, have your full-service movers deal with only your belongings. Having your baby shower at your new home means you don’t have to pay to move all of your gifts, either.
You can put your nesting instincts to good use
The third trimester is known as nesting time — when your instincts to create a comfortable home for your baby are at their peak. If you’re already settled into your new home, you can take that time to really settle in and make your new home cozy.
The pros of making your move after having a baby
Packing will be easier
When you can’t see your toes beyond your baby bump, getting your shirts organized into boxes may just feel next to impossible. If you wait until after your baby is born, you might find packing and organizing to be less daunting — of only purely at a logistical level. Hopefully, your child is calm and can happily sleep while you prepare for relocating your home, but using a sling or snuggly can mean a baby comes along for the ride, too.
A little bit of experience can help you choose your home
Spending some time settling into your new life with your child can give you perspective on what to look for in your new home. You may realize how important a laundry room is, or that you need a larger living room, or that you need more storage for all of the baby’s things. You might not think of these things if you make the move when you’re pregnant.
Pregnancy is unpredictable
If you plan to move before the baby comes and suddenly find yourself on bedrest (we really hope you don’t!), or dealing with back pain, or one of the many other ways pregnancy can be challenging, even the best laid moving plans can get completely thrown off. Waiting to move until after the baby is born eliminates, at least, a few of the unpredictable elements.
Mommies make friends more easily
If you’re moving to a new state or entirely new area, plugging yourself into groups for new mothers can be a great way to make new friends and get support. Whether it’s a weekly walking group, a book club, or a “mommy and me” style yoga or fitness class, having your baby with you will help you and your partner to ground yourselves in your new community.
For more tips on moving with a newborn, check out this blog post. And when you’re ready to hire a great moving company to help make it all go smoothly, compare rates and book here.