Moving during the holidays might seem, at first glance, to be a recipe for misery. But what if we told you that there are some advantages that you might not have considered? You might just decide to make a new home part of your holiday season.
The helping hands are on vacation
Your kids are on school vacation, so what better time to enlist their help without encroaching on homework time? Your family and friends are also likely to be around and in the holiday spirit, so request that they bring their generosity to your house to help – or perhaps host you for a meal or two while you’re packing!
Getting time off from work is usually easier
Though it’s not necessarily how you’d always envisioned spending those hard-earned days of paid time off, it sure does help make the moving process easier when you’re not trying to cram everything into the evenings and weekends. Strategize with your family to make the most of the time you take by purging or donating things ahead of time and streamline your move.
Donating during the holidays is always a good idea
Many charities and organizations are looking for donations of home goods and clothing during the holidays, so whatever items you decide to purge will easily find their way to a new home. It’s a great way to light up your holiday spirit and downsize before your move!
Off-season timing can mean lower rates
As long as you don’t decide to move on a holiday, movers are typically not as busy during the holidays – and that means lower rates. So when you’re booking a moving company, don’t be afraid to ask about off-peak rates!
Make it fun and combine a vacation with your move
Once you’ve packed up and shipped your belongings, why not make an adventure out of your transit? If you’re moving long distance or abroad, it’s a perfect time to connect with your family and relax before you begin the work of unpacking and settling into your new home. If you’ll be taking a road trip, make sure to research accommodations in advance since the holidays are often prime time at hotels and B&Bs.
Keep the holiday prep to a minimum, guilt-free
Hey, you’re moving – no need to go too crazy with all of the holiday preparations! You’re off the hook for party hosting and fantastic decorations, so enjoy a bit of a break this year and keep things simple.
It’s a good time for goodbyes
There’s really no good time for goodbyes, but the holiday season means family and friends generally get together anyway – so you’ll get the opportunity to make the rounds and see everyone before you depart with the added bonus of some holiday cheer.
So raise a glass to all the good reasons for buying a house during the holidays!