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Free, Easy and Unique Perks That Impress Employees

Employee relocation and benefit program for employees

Though symbolized by ping pong tables and unlimited beer on tap, the truth of the ever-growing employee perk landscape is that not everything needs to be shiny and free. While stock snack areas, pizza fridays and bowling excursions can get employee attention, the unsung heroes of employee benefits are usually far less bedazzled–but far more useful. If you are looking to attract and retain employees through an array of benefits, try to leverage any or all of these free, easy and unique employee benefits.

1 – Discounted Moving Costs

No one thinks about moving until they have to do it–and then they have no idea where to start or how to navigate costs and concerns. Don’t let your employees get burned by inexperience and connect them with the leading marketplace for comparing and booking movers. Registered companies get a discounted rate for their employees too!

2 – Employee Enrichment Experiences

There is an old adage that goes something along the lines of “The CFO asks ‘What if we pay to train our employees and then they leave?’ and the CEO responds ‘What if we don’t train them and they stay?”. Err on the side of improving employees’ skills and mindsets to retain and cultivate high performing employees. Of the many enrichment opportunities, consider having monthly mentor round tables or allowing employees to use an hour a week to take an online course during regular work hours.

3 – Health & Fitness Memberships

Whether you have an array of fitness studios near your office or your choices are more limited, you may be surprised to find that most of these health and fitness memberships will offer discounts to your employees without you having to lift a finger. Simply sign up for better monthly rates or additional perks and extend a great benefit to your employees. Secondary benefit? Healthy employees who exercise regularly take less sick days on average and have better performance in general–more productive employees for you!

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