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Real Estate Income Series: Creating Opportunities for Repeats, Referrals and Recommends

Real Estate Agent

Real estate agent marketing is all about the “R”s. Yes, that’s right: Reputation, Repeats, Referrals and Recommends, they all factor tremendously into growing your personal business. In fact, if you do nothing other than sell houses and execute your personal “R” strategy, you will easily be ahead of the majority of your competition. That is how critical creating opportunities for repeats, referrals and recommends is to your real estate business. But how do you do it?

Encouraging Referrals in Real Estate

Let’s get the obvious out of the way first. Ask them! What should that look like?

  • A personal email sent at least annually reminding them that you would appreciate their referrals
  • Include link to a personal review site for you asking for recommendations and personal experiences. After all, if they can’t refer anyone, their positive recommendation may help you! Then include that as a resource in your public profiles and share with prospective new clients!

Get Social!

Let’s hope you’ve moved past the days of wild times on Facebook. Assuming your profiles are safe for work, make a point to connect with your clients personally. Why?

  • A personal connection goes a long way in facilitating long term relationships
  • It keeps you connected well after the real estate transaction is over – meaning your posts about houses you’re selling or clients you’re happy to take on will be seen by your best clients
  • It gives you an opportunity to stay abreast of your clients’ lives – meaning you can easily reach out when a previous client has something going on. What better way to keep that connection than knowing about and being able to congratulate your clients on their new baby, new job, etc.
  • It potentially presents you to your clients’ friends in an organic, native manner. Making it easy for them to consider you without feeling like they’re being sold. It is social selling at its most natural and effective.

Provide Essential Support and Exceptional Experience

We know we have driven this point home before but the additional value you offer your clients through your professional partners will help you stand out from the crowd. Whether you offer them access to an exclusive moving platform (that’s us!), secure advantageous discounts at various moving-related service providers or find a way to connect them with the professionals they need, you will be remembered as the key person in their new home journey. An excellent way to start a new “R” relationship.

Want to be able to offer your clients access to Unpakt while making referral fees or offering them a discounts (or both?). Check out our Real Estate Agent Referral Program!

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