With how amazing Pinterest is, you have to wonder if the person who invented the site once had a disaster move that inspired them to create this wonderful website. If you are not currently using Pinterest, you are definitely missing out. This photo and idea-sharing website allows you to create your own personal pinboards. So, you could have one solely dedicated to packing tips and another made specifically for moving day ideas. Then, you could create one for decorating your new home. The possibilities are endless. The site is free to join too! Not only can you pin things you find on the web, you can repin ideas that others on the site have already shared. Below are just a few of the endless ideas you are faced with when you type in keywords, such as “moving ideas,” and “packing tips for moving.”
Hanging Clothes
You probably already know that a great way to move clothes is to simply leave them on hangers and lay them across your backseat. However, there are always items that are bound to fall off when you’re carrying them, and it’s always going to be something white that ends up in a mud puddle. Not to mention, holding those hangers in your fingers do not feel nice! Wrap them in garbage bags like this before you lay them on your seat!
Source: thewickerhouse.blogspot.com via Linda on Pinterest
Pack Your Pantry
If you are moving a few streets away, then packing your pantry may not be a huge headache. This is especially true if you can transport some stuff in your car. However, making a long-distance move requires a little careful thought. This article will tell you how to pack, what to keep, what to toss, and how to make sure opened items don’t get ruined along the way.
Moving with Kids
As a parent, you probably already know that if you are moving with kids, then anything that could possibly go wrong probably will. This article gives you 23 tips to help everyone cope with the move, from having a good-bye party to making a memory board to creating an adventure.
Source: parentingsquad.com via Melissa on Pinterest
Labeling and Keeping Organized
This shows you how to label electronics and boxes to keep organized. Plus you get some great advice on what items you should leave out to pack until the last minute.
Packing Plates
This could possibly be the most brilliant idea ever. Buy a pack of foam plates from the Dollar Store and place one between each plate. You can always use the plates later for everything from eating on to creating crafts.
Source: thefrugalgirls.com via Claudia on Pinterest
Moving with Pets
It doesn’t matter if you have a dog, cat, or a goldfish, you will need to put a little extra thought into your move. This includes obtaining vet records, packing essentials, and making sure your companion remains stress-free through the move.
Source: youmoveme.com via You Move Me ♥ on Pinterest