Rest assured that even if your Denver movers seem like the rough and tough type that wouldn’t be into flowers, they have still probably been to the Denver Botanic Gardens at least once. In fact, they likely have a few times because you absolutely have to go every season! Unlike other gardens that are only exciting to enjoy spring and summer, Denver Botanic Gardens offers four seasons of unbelievable beauty.
Just because Old Man Winter has made himself at home does not mean that the gardens are hibernating. The plants may not be as colorful as those that are coming next season, but they are equally as magical. The early flowering cherry, native to Japan is a popular favorite. Also, the Viburnum farreri will produce white fragrant flowers that are brushed with pink whenever the temperatures get a bit above freezing. If you check out the Rock Alpine Garden you will find a cyclamen species from Southern Turkey. So, visit during the cold months and see a few rare specimens you wouldn’t otherwise get the chance to enjoy.
Can you think of a more beautiful setting to practice yoga than surrounded by blooming flowers? Sunrise Vinyasa yoga is the best way to start your day!
Of course, if you are not into yoga, you can just come to enjoy a blanket of color over the earth. A few favorite plants to look for include Devil’s Claws, Catmint, Oriental poppy, and alliums.
You will often find concerts in the gardens in the summer. For example, this past summer of 2012 welcomes the B52s and Squeeze for a few shows. In addition to all the fascinating plants, you would expect to find, keep your eyes open for various types of milkweed throughout the garden to welcome bees, butterflies, and birds; the three great pollinators.
When late August arrives, you will start seeing sunflowers, black-eyed Susans, asters and plenty of reds to attract hummingbirds.
Walking tours are popular this time of year, but you are always welcome to explore on your own. Keep your eyes open for Fall asters, Dotted Evening primrose, and Kniphofia caulescens, an ornamental monocot from South Africa that makes the rock garden look as though it is in flames from a distance.
Mordecai Children’s Garden
One of the highlights here is the Mordecai Children’s Garden. This natural environment is constantly changing so children always have something new and exciting to explore every time they visit. They have the opportunity to learn unique plant characteristics in the Rooftop Alpine Garden and discover how animals and plants live in harmony on the Marmot Mountain. They can also hunt for bugs and even observe aquatic life living in the Pipsqueak Pond!
Denver Botanic Gardens always has something educational going on, such as certified courses, hands-on workshops, professional development seminars, public lectures and children and family programs. If you are new to the area, then getting involved with some of these programs may help you meet others with similar interests. Just ask your Denver movers to point you in the right direction.