Make sure your Unpakt profile is ready to handle any jobs that come your way.
I. Booked up? Zero out your Availability Calendar
Most movers are already booked up through the end of May and early June. Make sure to zero out any days that you’re unavailable.
Log in to your Mover Dashboard, click on your Availability tab, and click on each date to adjust the number of trucks available.
Need to change every day at once? Just click “Prefill Availability”.
II. Update your Summer Pricing
Labor is more expensive this time of year. Use your balancing rate tool (on the Availability tab) to increase your rates for high-demand days like June 1st. Need help? Click here
III. Make time for Truck Maintenance
Get your trucks in gear! Don’t let a broken-down truck lead to a no-show. Take the time to have your trucks inspected and tuned-up.